There is a massive information divide between Silicon Valley and traditional, non-tech industries. The ten years since Marc Andreessen’s seminal essay on Software Eating the World have provided extraordinary wealth and value creation in the software industry, yet the information gap for most companies has only widened. The COVID-19 pandemic laid bare this digital divide while creating a massive forcing function for all companies to leverage technology in order to navigate a time of turmoil. For our companies to progress, to grow jobs and the economy, and to remain competitive on a global scale, we must have a more inclusive tech revolution that creates resiliency for the entire system.

For SMBs to succeed, they must cross the information chasm to implement an effective technology strategy. Whether the product is patient care, filtration systems, or pizza, focusing solely on inputs and outputs is no longer sufficient. Companies must deliver value through a comprehensive technology solution. The software industry has created an extensive toolbox for every business function stocked with “pickaxes” and “shovels” that allow companies to better serve their customers, improve efficiency, and ultimately increase cash flow. If technology is what is key to improving competitiveness, winning market share, and driving future earnings, what's stopping companies outside of Silicon Valley from being well-equipped?
Despite the opportunity, challenges persist. Technological progress over the last 30 years has been extraordinary with the exponential decline in the cost of data storage and compute, the proliferation of internet-connected mobile devices, and the maturation of software development. Yet, for most business owners technology is still not approachable or tangible and with the pace of innovation only accelerating, the knowledge gap is increasingly hard to close. There is a dizzying array of products, technologies, and buzzwords to navigate and no definitive playbook or knowledge base for business owners.
Most SMBs don’t have CIOs or CTOs to translate Silicon Valley, nor the time or capacity required to stay abreast of the latest marketing automation tools or database advancements. They surely don’t want to pay a consultant to rack up billable hours and leave them with a moderately functional solution that can only be serviced with more billable hours. There is an opportunity and a need for investors to align themselves with businesses to unlock their digital potential, yet in the existing construct of investment firms, technology strategy is an add-on rather than a foundational tenet.
At Eads Bridge Holdings, we bring together the resources, insight, and talent to make Silicon Valley solutions work for business owners. Yes, we are an investment firm, but our primary function is to bridge the digital divide for businesses. We have constructed a permanent capital vehicle that allows us to hold companies indefinitely so that we can be entirely focused on continuing to build their legacy. Our partners all share a fundamental belief in the economic potential of software and what it means for our companies, our communities, and our future. We cannot just simply rebuild our economy; we must push the boundaries of progress to build back better.
In 1867, James Eads set out to build what at the time was the longest arch bridge ever constructed to bring the railroad from East to West over the Mississippi River. In order to achieve his vision, he had to identify, utilize, and combine existing and breakthrough technologies to architect a structure which stands to this day. Technology is fundamental to progress today just as it was in 1867 and similarly, we need new mechanisms to ensure our structures stand the test of time.